Hoofcare Essentials Foundation

HEF Educational Partners are vital to our success and help cover the expenses of our supported clinics.

2025 N C Tool Clinic and Open House, Pleasant Garden, North Carolina

Clinician: Pat Broadus Hosts: North Carolina Horseshoers Assoc. NC...

2025 Kansas Farriers Association Annual Spring Clinic, Leoti, Kansas

Clinician: John McNerney CJF Sponsor/Host: Double Bar One Kansas Farriers...

2025 Meader Supply “Scotch Bottom Shoeing” Clinic, Rochester, New Hampshire

Clinicians: Mark Lucas Ron Pfeifer CF Co-Sponsored by Meader Supply and...

Attendee Assistance

Grants are now available to provide financial assistance for people interested in attending equine hoofcare educational clinics/events. 


Host Assistance

Hosts of clinics/events can receive a reimbursable grants for coffee and donuts for their clinics/events.

While our primary source of funding is through our Educational Partners, we also solicit donations from individuals (Patrons) who are interested in promoting a higher level of continuing education for farriers. 

We want to work with fellow farriers and veterinarians who are interested in serving as clinicians.  Once a Host for a clinic is determined, we then use our list of clinicians to designate a clinician for that clinic.

We offer opportunities to recognize your family and friends who have had an impact on the farrier industry.  Contact the Foundation office at 561-914-8278 or HEF@HoofcareEssentials.com

Click on Any Logo to Visit the Website of the Educational Partner